Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Quote, paraphrase, and citation #1

Many scientific experts say they're unfamiliar with "digital drugs" — sometimes sold under the brand name I-Dosers — and doubt whether sound patterns could have the same effect as chemical drugs. But some parents — and at least one Oklahoma school system — worry that downloading these sounds could be a teen's first step toward physical drugs.


Many people are not familiar with the term digital drugs . Parents ,guardians ,and a Oklahoma school system seem to think that listening to some kinds of music can even have the same effect as chemical drugs. Many believe that this will eventually lead teens to physical drugs.


Carey, McClatchy. "Parents, Schools Concerned about the Effects of Audio 'Drugs' on Teen Minds ." McClatchy Newspapers Jun 24 2010: n. pag. Web. 10 Nov 2010.

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