Monday, November 22, 2010

Photo, caption, and citation #2

 These are just some of the many music stores we are depend on. This is how big a role music is in the world.

Quote, paraphrase, and citation #5

Music has been known to have a positive effect on both mental and physical health since ancient times, when people used singing, dancing and chanting as a part of rituals to throw out the evil spirits that supposedly caused disease.
Since ancient times we have used music for positive effects on mental and physical health. Back then we use singing, dancing and chanting in rituals to get rid of evil spirits. Now we use it in more modern ways.
Priesnitz , Wendy. "Music Is Medicine for Body and Soul." NATURAL LIFE MAGAZINE June 2006: 10. Web. 19 Nov 2010. <>.

Quote, paraphrase, and citation #4


Music is an aesthetic way of communicating that uses rhythm and beauty to carry messages to one's soul in an effective way. Music can be produced consciously by people as well as produced by nature. More than an effective tool of communication, music is used for entertainment and relaxation.


Music is not just a way of communicating to one each other, but also a way to carry to bring rhythm and beauty into one's soul. Music is used for entertainment and relaxation. That can is not only produced by man, but nature as well


Uzunoglu, Selim. "Music for Healing and Brain Development." FOUNTAIN Sept. 2002: 42-43. Web. 19 Nov 2010. <>.

Works cited

Carey, McClatchy. "Parents, Schools Concerned about the Effects of Audio 'Drugs' on Teen Minds ." McClatchy Newspapers Jun 24 2010: n. pag. Web. 10 Nov 2010. <>.

Fitzmaurice, Deanne. "Fast Ed, an American hippie." 1996: n. pag. Web. 11 Nov 2010. <>.
Palmer , Louise. "The Soundtrack of Healing." SPIRITUALITY & HEALTH April 2005: 42. Web. 11 Nov 2010. <>.

Priesnitz , Wendy. "Music Is Medicine for Body and Soul." NATURAL LIFE MAGAZINE June 2006: 10. Web. 19 Nov 2010. <>.
Radwan, Farouk. "Using Music to Change Your Mood." (2010): n. pag. Web. 11 Nov 2010. <>.

Radwan, Farouk. "Psychological effect of music and songs." (2010): n. pag. Web. 11 Nov 2010. <>.

Uzunoglu, Selim. "Music for Healing and Brain Development." FOUNTAIN Sept. 2002: 42-43. Web. 19 Nov 2010. <>.

Quote, paraphrase, and citation #3

A new hospital in Colorado is programmed with 9,000 musical selections--one for every place, time, and stage of recovery. It's the start of a revolution that may make the iPod a health essential.

What if the iPod was a health essential. That we could improve are health by just listening to music. Thanks to a new hospital in Colorado which uses music in recovery, it might just be possible.

Palmer , Louise. "The Soundtrack of Healing." SPIRITUALITY & HEALTH April 2005: 42. Web. 11 Nov 2010. <>.

bonus video

Quote, paraphrase, and citation #2

If you like music you can reduce stress, make depression more bearable and help you relax.
If the listener dislikes the music or finds it boring, it will have a negative effect instead of a positive one.

Music can be a positive or a negative influence depending how you use it. If you like it you can reduce stress and help with depression. If you dislike it you will have a negative effect. 

Radwan, Farouk. "Using Music to Change Your Mood." (2010): n. pag. Web. 11 Nov 2010. <>.

music popularity graph

this graph shows the popularity of music genres in 2008. One of the first things I noticed was just how much music popularity has changed in the last 20 years. This change could even be why people act differently back then.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Finding paragraph#1

Can music really affect how you behave? Yes, music has been known to change the way you act in a verity of ways. At major events we sometimes act based on the music playing. Whether it is at a riot, sporting event, or at a party, we change how we act when we start playing. For example, at a party if there is no music playing people are probably not going to be dancing. If you turn music on you are that much more likely to start dancing. Over long periods of time it can even change your persona all together. Which brings to the question “Do you need a certain personality to like a certain genre of music?” Is who we are that tells us what we want to listen to or what music we are exposed to that changes what we like? It is true that having a certain personality can effect what you listen to, but is that all. Is being exposed to a kind of music long enough make you like it? It is because of this that the reasons why someone might like a genre of music are varied.

worlde #2 key terms

Wordle: key terms

Animoto video

Create your own video slideshow at

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What I want to know

What I want to know is just what does music do to us. Can music affect your behavior? Do you need a certain personality to like a kind of music? Which kinds of music affect your mood, and in what way. Is there music that causes suicidal thoughts? Can classical music really help you study? Are music genres like rap and death metal really a bad influence?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Photo, caption, and citation #1

The 1960's is a great example of how music can influence human behavior. The new generation in music is said to be the direct cause of the rebellious behavior shown in this time period.    

Fitzmaurice, Deanne. "Fast Ed, an American hippie." 1996: n. pag. Web. 11 Nov 2010. <>.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Quote, paraphrase, and citation #1

Many scientific experts say they're unfamiliar with "digital drugs" — sometimes sold under the brand name I-Dosers — and doubt whether sound patterns could have the same effect as chemical drugs. But some parents — and at least one Oklahoma school system — worry that downloading these sounds could be a teen's first step toward physical drugs.


Many people are not familiar with the term digital drugs . Parents ,guardians ,and a Oklahoma school system seem to think that listening to some kinds of music can even have the same effect as chemical drugs. Many believe that this will eventually lead teens to physical drugs.


Carey, McClatchy. "Parents, Schools Concerned about the Effects of Audio 'Drugs' on Teen Minds ." McClatchy Newspapers Jun 24 2010: n. pag. Web. 10 Nov 2010.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

What I already know about my topic

What I know so far is that there are many different types of music. Also that music is often associated with how you might act. Most adults seem to think listening to rock or rap is a negative influence. In addition listening to music stimulates your brain waves. This leads me to belive that it could very possibly affect your behavior. Also that typically we listen to music based on how we feel. Some people who are depressed listen to country music. When people are at a party they are playing very exciding, hyper music.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The story behind my topic choice.

For as long as I can remember I have always been fascinated with music. So it was not that long ago I started to notice that I acted different when I listen to a different type of music. If I listen to classical music I feel calm. With rock I feel like moving around. I want to find out if your behavior can be dictated to what you listen to.